Multidimensional cross-correlated datasets extraction from reference audio files

Cernuto M, Messina R. | ICAD 2024


Example 1.
Figure 1: First 4 bars of Prelude N.1 in C major, Well Tempered Clavier, Vol.1, by J. S. Bach. Original execution and mixed with its time-invarying frequency envelope.
Example 2.
Figure 1: First 4 bars of Prelude N.1 in C major, Well Tempered Clavier, Vol.1, by J. S. Bach. Procedure of simple sinusoidal reproduction of the binary structure of the Prelude.
Example 3.
Chinese spoken voice. Original and VST Piano rendering
Example 4.
Time and harmonic transpositions example.

Example 5.
Derivative approach application. Example of accompanying sound environment for a speaking voice.